Wedding Trip Paranoia: PTSD Style

Kat • CJ Major, Writer of Worlds, 23 years, Fur Momma😄

*Long sigh*

Hi and welcome to my TedTalk on my paranoia today!

So.... I have a wedding trip in 2 weeks with my boyfriend. We're taking a trip down to a small town below our small town for his cousin's wedding (I've never met this cousin or that particular set of family, so kinda nervous about that in general). Doesn't sound like a big deal at all, right? Yeah.... no. The town we are going to holds a monster who blackmailed me, threatened my baby sister, threatened to hurt me, posted nude photos of me to several pornography sites, and continues to this day to message at least every 3 months even after his number is blocked (he changes it and saves mine). He has done the same thing to countless women in this state, and I was just one of 20 that filed a police report because he terrified the living hell out of me. He was convicted of manslaughter and released after killing his ex's fiance. This all happened a year ago, but it still haunts me. Every now and then I'll get paranoid someone is watching me or that he'll pop up out of the blue. He's an effing lunatic. And I have to take a trip down to his territory. It's so stupid, I know. I shouldn't be scared at all, the chances of running into him are slim, and I'll be with my Army man and he'll protect me. But damn.... the paranoia as the days keep getting shorter and shorter leading up to the trip. I hate PTSD and anxiety. I hate the asshole who put me in the position to be this way.

This concludes my TedTalk. If you'd like to leave an encouraging word, I'd highly appreciate it. ❤