I want a revenge body

I want a revenge body. Fuck your opinion ♥️

I want revenge on all the people who told me I should “watch what I eat” during pregnancy so I don’t gain “even more weight”

I want revenge on the people who asked me when I was going to start trying to lose weight before my newborn son even turned a month old

I want revenge on that part of my husband who no longer shows me off or thinks I look sexy naked

I want revenge on all my snotty cousins who made fun of me on my wedding day for being a plus size bride

I want revenge on all my family for truly believing I’d never lose the weight

I want revenge on my old retail manager who told me people my size shouldn’t be wearing their brand’s clothes and made me work in the back because she was embarrassed of me

I want revenge on the friends who never supported my new lifestyle because they think I’m like them and quit on everything before it works

I want revenge on my ex best friend for thinking that she’s better than me because she still looks exactly how she used to in high school while I gained 80+ lbs

And last but not least, I want revenge on myself - for the days and nights I cried myself to sleep thinking I was not good enough because of the extra weight I carried.. for changing my sense of style for big tshirts and leggings.. for not stepping on a scale in over 3 years.. for binge eating my feelings.. for staring at pictures of skinny instagram models all day tearing apart my self esteem... for not loving my body every step of the way.

I want this new body to get revenge on the old me!!