6 weeks pregnant today 😁

I feel nauseated.. waking up yesterday I had this overwhelming wave of nausea and felt the need to throw up. I dry heave for what seems to be forever and go lay back down.

This morning I woke up wondering if I was going to feel the same way. It hit me and I ran to the bathroom yet again.. I dry heave and I did throw up a little. I don't eat for a few hours before bed so I wonder if that helps not actually throw up..

I still feel pretty sick and wish I was laying at home but I'm able to rest still for a few hours so I'm not that mad. My boyfriend goes to work at 6am and we have one car so I sleep in the back for a few hours then go do what I have to do for the day.

I feel hungry but like I'd throw it up if I actually ate idk I haven't eaten this morning. Was able to take a few small sips of water and take vitamins though

I know how I feel will probably get worse and that's fine. When I first found out I was pregnant I probably found out super early on. I don't really know when since I don't know when I actually ovulated or when my period was to actually come. Anyways I guess I'm weirdly happy to have symptoms now. It makes it feel alot more real.