Has anyone gone through this???


So I found out I was pregnant on 11/4. The app predicted I was 5w based on my last period.

The very next day, I started bleeding pretty heavy. No cramps, back pain, or any other symptoms other than heavy bleeding. I went to the ER and my HCG levels were at 683 on 11/5.

I had a follow up appointment on 11/7 to test my HCG levels again and they were at 541. By this time the heavy bleeding has already stopped and turned into very light spotting. (Which is now done completely)

The Dr said it was dropping but wanted to follow up again. So I had another appointment two days later on 11/9 and my levels went down to 512. No bleeding or any other symptoms. My back did hurt for a while but went away after using tiger’s balm and a massage from my boyfriend.

Now my Dr wants me to come in tomorrow for an ultrasound to see how viable the pregnancy is since the numbers are dropping slowly compared to rapidly like most cases. She is thinking that’s it’s a tubal pregnancy and will look to see where the baby is located.

What do you guys think?? Is there still a chance?? I am holding onto every small ounce of hope that it’s not a tubal pregnancy and this can still become a healthy pregnancy. I should be 6 weeks today but my periods was always irregular due to BC so I’m unsure if I ovulated later than planned with the app. Any insight PLEASE!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾