
So sick and tired of this. I can’t even eat dinner because I don’t have help with the baby

I get that he worked all day but come on. No one can be THAT lazy. Every day it’s the same SHIT a different day. He even got off early today!

He’s laying in bed playing his ps4, I go back there and he’s like “you coming to bed?” NO ! I haven’t ate dinner, I haven’t showered in days and I don’t remember the last time I was able to take my medicine.

It just pisses me off what a DEaDBEAT husband I have.

• so I went into the room and there he was , laying down playing his game and watching YouTube. I left the baby in his lap and walked out so I could go shower. His ass brings the baby in (says he has to poop and the baby needs to wash) so I wash the baby with me and I’m calling for DH. He went back to the room and had the nerve to cuss at me !!

Now he’s asking what do I want to watch on TV 🙄

I might be snappy but I am going through a lot. I have postpartum depression and anxiety and I’m stuck at home with 2 babies every day.