Is he still attracted to me?


So me and my boyfriend have been together for nearly 8 months now. We’re only 17 so we’re still young but he always bangs on about us being together when we’re older and we’ve been on holiday together already. When we first got together, I felt so comfortable around him and I’ve always struggled with my weight but even then I didn’t care because I felt myself around him. At the minute I’ve had a lot of issues with my periods and I’ve been on for ages. Normally, we would have sex a lot, and even when I’m on he’d still try it and he’d be annoyed we wasn’t able to do anything. But at the minute he just really isn’t interested. He’s been saying at the minute as well like when I’m not on he doesn’t like doing anything to me even though I do EVERYTHING he asks for him. I just feel like there’s something wrong with me like I either look to fat or there’s something wrong with my noony and everything. I literally slept in my clothes last night because I was too scared to be naked around him. I said something to him asking if he still thought I was attractive and it just started an argument. His ex is absolutely gorgeous and his type to a T, all I do is compare myself to her. I just constantly feel like I have to change myself to get his attention again. Even when I put in an effort he doesn’t notice. How can I get his attention again?