Worried about sex

Me and my boyfriend have done it all... except the actual deed 🙄 I got told at a young age it would hurt, I’d bleed, and I’ve been scared ever since. We tried 2 years ago, but you can guess how that went (ended with me crying from shame because it wouldn’t go in. I was dry from being nervous).

So the issue? Not that it won’t go in, but the fact that we’re moving in together next year. Aka, SLEEPING IN THE SAME HOUSE, IN THE SAME ROOM, IN THE SAME BED. Y’all, that’s a lot to take in. I feel like I’ll be starting all over again. My anxiety will kick in, I’ll be nervous again, and I’ll embarrass myself... again. We’ll actually have privacy, without the worry of his parents walking in though, and that’s so amazingly exciting. I’m almost 20 years old, I SHOULDN’T BE LIKE THIS IN A 5 YEAR RELATIONSHIP. I can already see myself getting nervous when it comes to us being alone in the bedroom getting into it. I don’t want to deprive him, I know he’d understand, but god... it’s a lot.