90 days of pregnancy left and he still has no job

We already live with his grandparents and I'm currently on the hunt for a second pt job but literally no one has called him back since he got fired from his job in August. I'll be able to get WIC soon (called before and told me they only look at previous income, which sounds like bs, but made us ineligible) so that should help out some. I'm panicking because anytime someone tries helping out by mentioning places that are hiring he gets pissed off and refuses to do anything unless he's guaranteed the job. Honestly I have no clue if its his aspergers is making him behave this way or if he's just this type of person. He is very sweet to me, excited about having a daughter, and helps me out when I need it, but I just don't know how to get him the help he needs with finding a new job that doesn't upset him to the point where he won't listen.