Dear baby boy,

Cheyenne • Mommy to Braxton Elliott King since 11/27/18🤱🏼

The closer it gets to your arrival the more and more excited I get to finally meet you. Though mommy is only 15 she is going to give you the world! I promise from this day forward to never let you down and to always be by your side. You will never doubt your worth in this world or in my heart. You are a blessing from above and have changed my whole life around for the better. No matter the circumstances good or bad you will alway have me by your side to lead you down the right path. From the day I got a positive test, to the very first day I heard your heart beat, to the first time I got to see your little face on a screen and felt your very first kick, to the moment we found out you were a boy my love for you just grew stronger. You are already so amazing and yet to take your first breath of fresh air. Mommy can’t wait to hold you in her arms little one. I will love and cherish you forever and eternity. Only a few more weeks until your big day! I love you so much my little monkey. We are countdown the days to your arrival.

Love mommy forever and always 🤱🏼

•••December 14th, 2018•••