Please help😞I feel so drained


Hey ladies I was reaching out hoping y’all could give me some helpful tips on how to get an energy boost..

I’m currently 32 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child & expecting a little precious girl. As grateful as my heart feels, my body had never felt more drained.. even mentally I feel like a walking zombie, I think I have pregnant insomnia bc I can’t ever sleep anymore, it’s just impossible to get comfortable, I have the pillows but nothing seems to help unless I’m in a tub of hot water but eventually it goes cold.. I dream desperately that if only o could sleep in my large tub without drowning I could maybe have more than 4 hours of sleep. My husband tried to be supportive but he works 12+ a day and comes home exhausted.. Some days I just feel like crying bc I miss my old body so badly & I never felt anything like this with my first pregnancy I was completely joyful & spunky. Sorry for such the long post I know it’s so negative when in reality I’m truly blessed and as grateful as I am I’m so exhausted!

Please if you have any solution for energy boost please tell me I’m getting desperate..