
Talita • 21 • 27th April 2O16 • first 👶🏽
Hey ladies, so I found out I was pregnant on Thursday morning, took 2 home tests and both came up faint, booked a doctors appt for Friday morning, Friday came and I took another home test in the morning which came up straight away positive with faint line, and at the doctors same thing came about. I've had previous miscarriages before over 3 years ago now and haven't tried to conceive until May this year and I've been blessed to fall pregnant in less then 3 months. So from the first day of my last period I would be roughly 6 weeks, but I personally think I'm only 3/4 weeks in. My doctor sent me to get blood test done as she reckons the line should have come up bold straight away if I'm 6 weeks.. My HCG blood test came back yesterday afternoon and my doctor called me and advised that my HCG levels are to low for 6 weeks, so she suspects that my pregnancy may be a chemical pregnancy .. In other words my pregnancy isn't going to progress any further .. I'm just wondering has anyone had this happen to them? If so has the doctor been wrong? I know that it's a possibility and that considering my past with miscarriages it is a high chance of happening. But I'm wondering if I'm only 3/4 weeks, would my HCG levels even be that high ? She's advised me that if I don't get my period/ or miscarry by Monday, that I have to go and get another HCG blood test done on Tuesday. I haven't had much symptoms other then - back aches, stomach cramps, eating more then usual, and fatigued. I'm so scared because me and my partner are trying to have a baby, and this is truely a blessing, and I just have so much faith and hope that this pregnancy is going to go full term, so please can I ask for prayers and baby dust my way 😁 any advice or words of wisdom
Will be appreciated ❤️