So frustrated!!

Maryjayne • 27. Wife & mom of boys. 💕
I'm 38+3 & have been having a lot of contractions. I was 60% effaced since 30weeks. 3 days ago I had an appointment where my doctor said I was at 2.5cm & 90% effaced, doctor did a membrane sweep. The next day I was having a lot of contractions & went to L&D & doctor there said still dilated at 2.5, no change. 
Today went to L&D because I was having tons of watery discharge. Midwife said no water leaking & im only dilated at a 1 & "just beginning to efface".. WHAT?! I'm so irritated! How could I POSSIBLY go back in progress that far?!? I'm so annoyed by this! 
Has this ever happened to anyone else?
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Was it a different midwife? Maybe someone made a mistake? I agree that it's hard to imgaine your progress going back that far. 


💜💗11💗💜 • Aug 15, 2015
Or obviously if your contractions become regular and 3-5min apart it's time to go back. Good luck 😊


💜💗11💗💜 • Aug 15, 2015
I'd just keep an eye on your water leaking. Maybe put a pad in & see how fast it fills so you can tell the midwife/doctor.


💜💗11💗💜 • Aug 15, 2015
I'd put it down to different people then. I had an issue with my fundal measurements because of this and it was frustrating. My GP was telling me I was measuring ahead & my OB was telling me I was behind with static movement. Had to get an US to know for sure.