So me and my partner has been together nearly 3 years now. Not even a year into our relationship my mum kicked me out and i had to move to another city so he came with me and since then I have been paying for EVERYTHING! For him and me....

Food, tobacco, rent, phone bills, his Xbox, his clothes....

Obviously it has been hard doing that as I am too ill to work (mental health) so I am on something called ESA witch is a benefit to help people who work and I only get £360 a month to live on and have to pay for 2 people. We since have lost our house in Weston and had to move to my sisters and then also got kicked out of there and now living back at my mothers. I have lately been telling him he needs to get a job for us to work as I don’t want to be “that” girlfriend who pays everything for their man and I feel like it should work both ways and I am putting in all the effort? He has only been applying for jobs for the last 2 weeks.

Tonight we have had an argument about money because I said he will have to ask him dad to help him financially untill he gets a job and he said “that’s disrespectful, thats taking the piss” and I said yeah but you make me pay for everything so what is the difference? Surely that’s taking the piss out of me? So then I told him that from now on I am not paying for everything for him and if he wants something he will have to ask me to borrow the money and he can pay it all back when he gets a job! And he said “that is not how relationships work, your meant to support me” I told him that I have been for too long now and that I can support him in other ways but he is just kicking off about it, screaming at me!?

WHAT SHOULD I DO? I honestly feel like he is taking the piss out of me and I should just leave him?