You ever got in an argument with your ex-bsf? CUZ I NEED ADVICE


Ok so my ex boyfriend who then I decided was a good idea to become friends with. Suddenly starting talking about how I would cut him off and talk to other guys bc some days I would tell him that I wanted to get with him but then I changed my mind. Which is true bc I’m bipolar so it happens. I have receipts that I told him I wanna cut it off cuz I called him crying saying “I can’t do this no more it’s hurting you and it’s hurting me maybe we can just stay friends and if not maybe it would be better if we weren’t”.So he got mad bc then after that I got with sum guy let’s call him J.So supposedly I cut him off to talk with J then only talked to him after that just cuz I was bored.First of all HELL YES IM BORED so ur telling me that you don’t text me sometimes cuz u want someone to talk to.But of course I didn’t say that i told him that I talk to him cuz I care about him and I love him and stuff but GUYS DONT LISTEN.So later on I get with another idiot we’re gonna call him A. First of all this guy I never got with him.Me and him planned a date and wanted to see how it went on from there. Obviously it went terrible and he ended up telling sum girl my breath smell like Cheetos like dude that’s cuz I ate sum dumbass. But besides the point irrelevant,he said in that period of time i cut him off which is a lie bc A’s phone wasn’t working so idk how I’m gonna text him all the time and be satisfied.He then even said and u didn’t even talk to me about what happened or nun, like duhh bc every time I tell him about a guy he just blocks it out and doesn’t listen. Then later on he again for a whole week was saying that he’s not important and that no one should care about him so I went to one of his close friends to vent which is stupid cuz I can’t trust that person. I said “if he still has feels for me then he needs to get over it cuz it’s getting annoying”. The reason I said that was bc him liking me was just making him more depressed and I was tired of him complaining about it for something that I’ve been telling him to get over.I know it’s not easy but by this time it’s been like 6 months so I don’t understand what the problem is. So then he calls me and we get in an argument and I tell him u know what forget about me bc I’m just making things worst for you bye and then I hung up in his face. That was like a week or two ago.Today I get in my feels and decided to call him and we talk chilling for a while and then brings all of that stuff up trying to act like the victim and saying that “I’m not letting him talk and that I’m not listening to him”. When every single time I wanted to say sum he talked over me.Then he said oh yea and then someone told me u said this which was his close friend who I ranted to. I explained to him the reason which I said above. Which in the middle of explaining it interrupted me saying he had sumthin to say. I said yo stfu ur saying that I interrupt u yet your over not letting me speak lemme finish.when I finish I’m like ok what did u wanna say then he said “ nah I’m tired FAKE YAWNED and said I don’t wanna argue no more I’ll say it u win u happy. I told him Idc if I win or not when u argue it’s because two people have separate views but try to talk it out to make an agreement in the middle. He then ignored me and said no I’m not gonna waste my time arguing. The phone was quiet for a good 2 minutes. I said u know what are u tired and he replied “yup”. I said “ oh really bet then gts BYE!”. And hung up in his face. In your point of view what do u think went on.please comment or press the poll answers

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