Rant for my sanity

Fuck I can’t believe we won’t be getting the apartment above the barn.. we’ve wait two years for the grandparentsto move and when they do we aren’t welcome? All because you think grandpa will have it red tagged? Whatever.. I’ll get my own place.. you son is so damn lazy he won’t work a real job to support our daughter and he hardly watches her when I’m at work..... I would leave him but child care would take most of my monthly income.... I can’t afford to move. I wouldn’t even know how.. what blows my mind is that your youngest son raped your even younger daughter and you buy him a apartment. Being a millionaire without reason must be nice. All I asked and was promised that damn apartment above a fucking barn..... A BARN. I hate doing everything by myself. Work. School I can’t afford.. I feel so damn trapped. This family is crazy.. mine is abusive as well. No where to go.