Becoming a mommy....

Kai • MC-Baby #1 @10wks (04/17/17)...ttc🌈 😍😍😍 Rainbow baby (EDD): 12/25/2023!!🌈🌈🌈

Honestly no one will understand why at the young age of 21, I want to conceive. I want to be pregnant again(I was pregnant only 1 time and it ended in a miscarriage at 11 weeks when I was 19.( didnt know about my PCOS back then) I want to have kinds and risk being a young mother now, because if not now waiting will just do more damage for me. I have PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome ). Meaning for me conceiving is very hard, and it's a painful (emotional) process. When I'm 30-35 it will be A LOT harder so I have to try now if I ever want kids in the future. I want nothing more than to be a mommy, and having a family. It's hard having to explain things like this, or explaining why a 21 year old would rather "settle down" than to be "living life" like everyone else my age. It's very hard when someone says "you can always adopt " as true as that may be it's so hard when you want your own bundle that came from your body, someone that is half you and half your partner, but all in all adoption is my very LAST choice when I am in my late 30's, that or I'll have lots of dogs! Haha!! If I do fall pregnant I would be so happy I know not everyone would agree it understand but as long as I have support and love around me, I dont care. This has been a dream for years and when i was pregnant and had a miscarriage, that dream only became stronger and stressful. But I have someone amazing in my life now, who loves and supports me in everything I do and dream of. I hope it can happen one day...thanks for reading, I just wanted to vent..