Broken up but still connected…idk?

Me and my boyfriend (well ex now) we’re dating for about seven months. When on Halloween he broke up with me. And sense then he’s given me multiple reasons for why he broke up with me and none of them had anything to do with the relationship. It came to a surprise, but I could feel him pulling away and I brushed it off because of the type of person he was, I now see I should’ve addressed it. But he’s given me multiple reasons to why he broke up and none of them per say had to due with us basically being together. He said our relationship was great, it’s not like we were fighting all the time or we couldn’t stand each other. We would talk often about things that bothered us and we would say what we wanted and it was working and we were improving. Our relationship was healthy, but then my period being late scared us both because neither one of us wants a kid at this point (we used condoms, and I’m trying to get on birth control but my moms not being too helpful) I mean I’m 20 and I can do it myself, but my moms helps with a lot of things. He’s 19 and when we first started dating we talked about the kid thing and we agreed we don’t need one at this moment.

I talked to him a week after we broken up and the things he told me were different from the things he said when we were together on Halloween. But one thing I took away from the conversation was that he’s confused. And I understand that, I just don’t know how to deal because even though we were together sexually and emotionally he still became my best friend. I mean we were able to have regular conversations with each other with out there being an awkward silence. And when there was a silence it was just natural. Nothing was ever awkward between us. Things looked bright for us, but now everything is so grey. But I don’t know when the right time would be to reach out to him again? Or even if I should. I think I should reach out because I told him I would be the one to reach out but I’m still hurting like he had broke up with me five minutes ago.