Help Me Understand Husbands POV


Ladies I need help understanding where my husband is coming from over an argument about cars. Little backstory: my husband totaled his car before he was sent off to boot camp so he didn’t even bother getting another one, completely understandable he only had a couple of weeks left and I drove him everywhere. A little while later I buy a car for 9900 because that’s what I can afford and I’m going to do the cross country drive from TN to CA so we can live together. It’s almost another year later, we’re about to have a baby and I’m wanting another car, an SUV to haul everything around. Don’t get me wrong my car is a good car, it’s safe, gets great gas mileage, drives good, but it’s pretty compact. Now here’s where the argument comes in: my husband doesn’t think it’s fair that I should get another car before he gets to have his own sports car he wants (we’ve been sharing my car and only having the one car payment but he’s mostly the one who drives it to work everyday). But I’m the one who will be taking care of the family when he’s gone and if he gets deployed I’m the one who’s gonna be driving back home with all my stuff to stay with family for a little while and an SUV can fit a lot more stuff than the car can I barely got to bring anything with me on the drive up here as is. Am I wrong for thinking this way? Is it wrong for me to want him to take my car and when it’s paid off he can get his own? Am I being super selfish here?