

So I’m about 35 weeks pregnant and I’ve had a roller coaster of nausea my entire pregnancy.

My first trimester alone I lost 30 lbs.

Then I started to slow gain the weight back.

I’m still under my initial starting pregnancy weight, but my husband says that I’m lazy and that I’m getting fat...

This is hard on me because I hardly eat anything. Pregnant women are supposed to be eating around 2,200 calories a day, and I can barely find the stomach to eat 500-600...

A little backtracking also, my husband has high cholesterol, and has just recently started a diet to lower it. He went to the gym maybe for three days in a row? And then stopped because he said he was taking a break. So when I told him that’s being lazy, he could still go and at least walk on a treadmill, he exploded at me and said that I was lazy, I never do anything, I’m getting fat.

This really hurts my feelings, as I was not attacking him, he has a difficult time doing something that doesn’t get immediate results because he’s too impatient.

He never takes his diets seriously either, he may eat well for a little bit, yet drinks beer every night...

I’m not happy with his behavior towards me, and I don’t appreciate him taking his own frustrations and insecurities out on me.

Had to vent. Sorry not sorry.