I can’t get SO to get along with my family


Hi everyone! So I’m currently with a really great guy, he treats me great, takes care of me, is the literal boy version of me, and everything! We’ve been together for almost 2 years, and we have a baby on the way in 2 months. There’s just one little problem...

My family (Mom, Dad, Aunts, Uncles, etc.) and him cannot get along for anything!

I can see both sides to the situation. My family kind of treats him like crap. (I stand up for him every time and it doesn’t matter) My dad completely ignores him and looks at him like he’s a piece of trash. Anytime he says/does anything at a family get together, my family just acts like he doesn’t exist or judges him really hard. They’ve even made really rude comments towards him. BUT, my boyfriend also sometimes says things that seem really harsh/alarming when he’s really only joking. He has a very dry sense of humor and it’s hard to tell when he’s joking and when he’s not. So, sometimes when he says things, they’re taken the wrong way. He also had really bad resting bitch face 😂

My boyfriend is to the point where he doesn’t want to go to any of my family functions because of how they treat him. I talked to my parents about the situation; and they’re more than willing to talk everything out with him and start over fresh. My boyfriend doesn’t even want to do that! He thinks that if they saw that there was a problem they would have addressed it themselves without me intervening. I feel extra bad because my parents have been very helpful throughout my pregnancy and my boyfriend is not compromising or cooperating.

I normally wouldn’t have a problem with him not going, but we’re getting ready to have a son and it stresses me out that we won’t be a full family unit on holidays. I don’t want to have to choose every year between my boyfriend and my family and I don’t know what to do. Any advice would be wonderful! Thanks!