11/17 - CD 26 / 12-13 DPO

🌜⭐| a m a n d a |⭐🌛 • 32-years-young / TTC #1 💍 6.26.07 - Until Forever 💋

As if I needed anymore reason to not test early... 😂

Last night, I got this:

I was pretty skeptical, because of the way it happened. There was nothing there between the 3-5 minute mark, but I continue to check these up to 10 minutes because they do take longer to develope. I brought it into my room to watch. Snap a few pictures, nothing there. I moved it aside, figuring my fate was decided. But when I glanced at it again, there was dye moving across the strip now, and a second later, obvious line. I think I over-saturated it, and all the dye was pooling at the end. Then when I moved it, it dispersed. I was still hopeful of course, especially since it looked pretty legit and dried looking the same, but this morning's BFN's confirm it was faulty.

Today, FMU, 3-5 minutes:

I can see something here, but this was well past the time-frame:

My HR also dropped very slightly this AM, and I have the general feeling that AF is coming. Boobs/nips are still sore, but feels like it's dissipating. First day of work is today, so at least I'll be busy and not have the time to mope.