Not sure what to think anymore...

Here's my story... I'm pregnant w second child so w my first child I went up to almos 40 weeks, he was born a day early but in my 1st tri w him I had bleeding for all of the 1st tri, but everything got resolved after that and I was able to go back to work so I felt great through out the rest of the pregnancy. My labor w him was only 12 hrs and all went well... So that's that.. Now I'm on my second pregnancy and at 21 weeks they noticed shortening of the cervix I'm at 1 cm and so I've been put on progesterone till further noticed. My doctor says that I have good advantages be aide I haven't had any type of surgery to my cervix or haven't had this issue in the past w my 1st child and that I went up to full term w my 1st pregnancy so that made me feel great bout things, but yet I'm really afraid of this upcoming ultrasound next week. Afraid because maybe it has moved and I may have to get stitched, but yet I'm trying to be very hopeful that the progesterone helps and I can deliver at full term. For the moment I'm not working cuz of this issue so I'm trying to really take it easy which it can be hard at times cuz I still have to deal w a 3yr old boy. So has anyone ever been through the same issue where they didn't have to get stitched and progesterone helped till the rest of the pregnancy?