Did he really just say that??


So of course we're arguing as always... And we're talking about how he doesn't like when I talk about what he did to me in the past and how it makes me feel. Well I really don't know what other way to move forward in any type of relationship other than to tell them how I feel. So we're in the middle of the argument and he says that it's both of our fault that he has a domestic violence charge against me and he has to go to domestic violence classes and is on probation. Excuse me sir but you are the only one in control of your hands and who you put them on! I did not ask him to do that to me nor did I really even call the cops the neighbors did. So really it's not my fault at all. mind you I am currently looking for a place to live so I can move out and I'm packing my things so I already know girl you need to leave him things. I just had to vent about this cuz I am so tired of people saying that it's the survivors fault that this happened to them. Thanks for reading!