Overly excited to see my partner?

Yesterday my friend and I pulled up to my house after work and I said I was excited to see my lady. She scoffed and said "Yea, because it's been so long since you've seen her" she says something like this almost everytime I say I miss my wife or that I'm excited to go home to her. I'm having issues at work with my friend because shes kinda rude to me, so it makes me miss my wife because I cant wait to go home to someone that's actually nice to me. And 9/10 times im excited to see her...because I just love her and whatever. I've never viewed that as a bad thing. I love going home to her. We arent crazy codependant. She isnt the only person I talk to or anything. We have friends outside each other. So I dont get why it's so wrong for me to look forward to seeing her.