She's told the whole family😖


This year all families were saying they didn't want to go anywhere for thanksgiving. So me and my boyfriend made plans on how we were spending our thanksgiving with our kids. I was happy about it because finally we get a thanksgiving to ourselves but my boyfriend was not happy. I had told him I didn't want anyone over our place either. He's used to spending holidays with his family(mom, brother, cousins, etc.) Very understandle. But I honestly don't ever want anyone coming over lol. But us going to their place is ok👍 lmao. It's my guilty thing I guess, and he knows this. But honestly I also don't wanna be rude and tell them all that I don't want them over lol. Cause hey it's rude and I don't mean to be rude but I just don't like anyone coming over🤷‍♀️. So my boyfriend told me he had made a plan with his mother about him and his mother and brother hanging out somewhere else a day before every holiday with the kids since, this is how he said it, "our women never want our family over". So that shocked me. It's a good idea lol. But what shocked me is that he God dang threw me under the bus by flat out letting his mother know that I didn't want them over🙈🤦‍♀️😖 and apparently his brothers significant other didn't want anyone over their house either lol. How embarrassing is that? To be thrown under the bus like that? So honestly that made me mad. Like wth! I feel like he threw me under the bus and its not fair that he told his mother like wth I thought I could friggin trust you. Idk. It was my private thing that I didn't want his family to know but he just flat out told his mother and now I know she's gonna go and tell the whole family that I don't want them over and I know she will because she likes to gossip about everyone 😒 Idk do you think he threw me under the bus or am I just overreacting?