Feeling Like a Failure

Girl Mom. 🎀 • Mama bear of two!

I’m 6 PP and never dealt with PPD but did experience PP anxiety.

Anyway, right now I’m feeling like a failure and I think it has developed into mild depression. My husband and I are considering a divorce. We’re having a hard time paying all the bills and I want to file bankruptcy because it’s just too much. I lost my job a while back and got another one but my new job I make about $700 less than I was at my old job every month. I told my husband I want to sell our house and start over somewhere else. To top it all off I’m a full time student and I fell behind and I can’t seem to catch back up. My 2 year old is doing things for my attention. I’ve lost all desire to leave the house. My husband literally doesn’t help with anything around the house. He comes home from work and sits on his phone or plays video games. Meanwhile I take care of the kids, do the laundry, clean the house, cook the meals, etc. and somehow still have to find time for homework but yet I also work full time. I can’t freaking do this anymore. It’s too much. Something has got to give before my mental health just explodes!