How to breakup with my bf

He doesn't want to marry after 6 years..he says he is not ready. He cant afford to move out right now but I want to be free to date if I so choose. i can't stay with him as he never wants to marry..he is not open to taking steps either like getting engaged (maybe 1&1/2 year engagement). Im just lost right now. I gues it is my fault for acting like a wife and letting him move in thinking proposal was on the way.I mean I wouldn't buy a cow if I got the milk for free either so thats on me. but seriously, like why be in a relationship is marriage is not the goal? To make things really messy, we have a 4 year old together. I wanna buy a home and have more kids but with my husband..I just really don't want to hurt his feelings but I cant put my life on hold while he figures out if I'm his "one" . any ideas on how I should do this?

Ive told him twice already let's be friends on two seperate occasions and how marriage is important to me so I wouldn't be able to stay off we were not working towards that..but he just walks around here like I didn't say it.

EDIT @Dora:I don't want to nag him about anything or ultimatums either. I was asking how to break up with him.There are other things that I am not happy about as well that he will not work to fix. Nobody is breaking up a relationship with his child. I am not happy and am growing resentful staying with him which is unhealthy..The talks we had is when he informed me he never wants to marry and then says he needs time.He is stringing me along saying he needs time when he already said he does not want to that would be stupid of me to stay.Im fine with him taking his time,but we don't need to be together for that.