TMI Post D&C symptom concerns. Need input.

I had a D&C 3 weeks ago due to a missed miscarriage. I was 10 weeks 2 days at the procedure, my baby was 7 weeks 5 days. 
The procedure went fine. Very little bleeding and some soreness and discomfort, but only lasted a few days. 
A week ago (2 weeks after procedure) I began to experience what felt like diarrhea pain but with regular bowel movements. 
The intensity of that feeling subsided after a few days and moved to a feeling like when you've held your bladder too long but there is no burning when I urinate. 
If I apply pressure on my lower abdomen on the left, it is uncomfortable. The pain is bearable, intermittent and progressively more frequent. 
I'm tired all the time, have no appetite but eat because I know I'm supposed to. 
I'm planning on calling my Obgyn Monday since this has now been going on for a week with no period yet and no spotting. 
Does anyone have input or experience with this? I'm assuming endometriosis is very painful, I've never experienced it. Or could I have an infection in my uterus? 
I just want to feel normal again. I hope it's not serious and my doctor can see me right away.