
Brianne 🥰 #boymom 29/03/14 30/04/18

So I’m separating from my husband and soon divorcing his lying, cheating, abusive ass. Anyways my mother in law hasn’t been that nice anymore since he asked them if he could move in with them so I don’t take the kids to a shelter and our oldest can still keep his routine for school. She bought me a roomba vacuum cleaner because he mentioned I had been constantly sweeping dog hair and the babies food all day every day off the floors and he felt bad because he doesn’t help. When she showed up to drop the kids off for him because he left me the truck for day to day errands she went back to her car and came back in the house with this gigantic boxes that was gift wrapped. I opened it and cried. Not because of what it was but because I thought she was furious with me for the situation and she barely talks to me now but seeing that she went out of her way to do that for me showed she still cared.