Potty training traumatized my daughter??

Chelsea • LRK 5.30.16💖 MGK 7.5.19💙

Ok so I just found out that I am pregnant with my 2nd and decided that it’s time to start really potty training my 1st. My daughter is 2 and a half. She’s a very clean and organized child (no joke) so she took to potty training pretty quickly and did really good with it for about a week except for pooping. Every time she has to poop she screams bloody murder and cries running around the house screaming “no poop!” My husband and I have never shamed her for pooping in any way, I don’t know where this is coming from but it’s getting worse. Now she will hold it for days to where she is very constipated and then she throws an even bigger fit. Now, 1.5 weeks later and she is throwing the same fit for peeing now too. I have tried diapers, pull ups, panties, she wants none of it. I am just at my wits end and frankly it would just be way less stressful for her to just go back in diapers now but she refuses. What the heck am I supposed to do??? I can’t handle this. She literally just screams and cries for most of the day (from holding it so long)

I took her to the Dr two days ago and they blew me off just saying she’s 2 and to cram her full of prune juice so she can’t hold it but getting a 2 year old to drink anything out of the ordinary is like mission impossible. We have tried stickers and candy as rewards and it doesn’t phase her.

Any moms experienced this? I am going to pull my hair out!

Please help!