How do I deal with this?


Me and my ex broke up a month ago, but it was a mutual breakup. We had dated for almost 2 years. He needed to figure out some things with his faith, and so did I, and we thought it was best for each other to be apart so that we weren’t a distraction to each other. But then he cut off all communication and deleted me from his social media and all, which is fine, because that’s part of the healing process. So here’s my actual question, later down the road would it be terrible to reach out to him and see how he’s doing? Because I’m genuinely concerned and I want him to be ok, and truly I don’t want to lose him altogether in my life. I’m not saying we have to be even friends, but just knowing that we could get past to never talking to each other and be ok with checking up on each other once or twice. Is that crazy?

Also if I were to reach out to him how long should I wait?