My husband and I fight a lot


It’s usually silly things but he says I always moan and I probably do but it’s cause I can’t get him to help me with certain chores around the house. We also argue a lot about money. He had got into gambling debt a few times in the past, I’ve taken out loans, my parents have helped and his dad has helped. We now pay out over £1000 a month just to paying loans back! He blames the loans on our house because my parents paid our deposit because we needed 15% because of his credit rating due to all his debts he had. And he blames our wedding because it was about £13000 maybe. I try to explain that the wedding was a special day (and I didn’t actually find out till after the wedding that he had got into money trouble AGAIN) and we both fell in love with the house and wanted it! Again I only found out about more money issues after we had already started the whole process of buying the house!!! When he wants to go out with friends I just know it’s going to end up in him not coming home on time and being pissed!! When I was 15 weeks pregnant he came home completely hammered and threw up all over the bedroom and as I was cleaning it up he was telling me that I was a dick and he needed to go out just to get away from me and have some fun. I’m probably not as fun as I used to be but I’m pregnant, I’m tired, I get a sore back, I feel a bit low sometimes, I get stressed and I don’t fit most of my clothes!!!! We used to go out for drinks a lot but I obviously can’t do that plus we can’t afford to go out and spend money getting drunk but when I ask him to just take £30 and go for a few he gets annoyed that I am being bossy and not letting him have fun! There is a lot more I could moan about but I’ll leave it there. I’m not a very patient person, I try to stay calm but I can’t. So I know fine well I won’t help situations but I just don’t know how to get through to him that I’m not trying to make his life a misery I’m just trying to save some money!!!