D&C and bleeding


I had my D&C this morning at 10. I know bleeding is completely common but how much is okay? My doctor told me that light bleeding or spotting is normal but I feel like mine is more in the moderate range. I know it could be heavier so I hate to say it's heavy. I know I just had it several hours ago too so I thought that may play into it. I plan to watch it through the night and I feel better than I think I had expected but just wanted to know if anyone remembers how their bleeding was immediately afterwards? TIA
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So sorry for your loss. I had a D&c 6/30 and bled very light / spotting for three days after. Then on the 4th &5th I started bleeding heavily with clots. I freaked out and called the doctor. She said bleeding like a period is completely normal and so long as I wasn't soaking a pad in an hour or less that it was fine. And it was. Slowed down by day 6 then tapered off slowly. 


Jodi • Aug 17, 2015
Thank you! With a toddler, we'll see how much resting I can do! But I need her around! It helps my emotions so much!!


Lauren • Aug 17, 2015
Just try and relax as much as possible, even if you are feeling good. I think I tried to do too much too soon and that's why I started bleeding bad. Hang in there.


Jodi • Aug 17, 2015
Thank you! And I am sorry for your loss as well! This is something I never expected to go through. Thank you for your response too! I'm sure everything is okay. It's just so easy to freak out when everyone has different views of heavy bleeding! Thanks again!