

Good evening everyone.

I recently just got married. I am

28, weigh 305 pounds. I never thought I would have children, or even be married. Lately my husband and I have discussed us having children possibly next year. I am not sure. My period comes every month and last 3 to 4 days. I am assuming it would be normal first day is light second is heavy third it’s getting back light. I am always 28 days cycle. In 2012 I found out that I had a cyst, follicular cyst. Docs told me it will go away on its own. I didn’t have any trouble after far as pain, I didn’t follow up. I was told I had some eggs. Back then I really didn’t understand everything and didn’t have the guidance. Now that I am a little older I know it shouldn’t effect me but I often wonder is it a cause to not getting pregnant. Yet maybe we aren’t having sexual a lot. We just got married 2 weeks ago so it’s not constant as before it wasn’t because of bible and marriage counseling. My husband is about 350 in weight. I’m really hoping we can conceive. I was thinking about trying Geritol and seeing what happens. Please don’t judge me I’ve never been to a gynecologist before. Growing up my mom didn’t know she just worked a lot and took care of us. She never knew either. I feel lost but a lot of praying that I can. I dream about have children and so does other people I know. They say they have seen me with a daughter. Any tips on what I can do. I am sorry this is long and run on. I’m nervous. I’ve never done this before.

Thank you for your time.