Worried about my relationship


So this year has been tough on many levels

I was diagnosed with a pretty large severe benign tumour which need to be removed and could leave me without a voice and unable to swallow.

At the time I was 85kg (188pounds) and had high blood pressure and was at risk for more complications so in the 3 months leading upto surgery I lost 16kg (35pounds)

And it seemed like my boyfriend of 3 years lost interest.

I put it down to stress and worry as we were both very anxious leading upto the surgery.

After my surgery I am left with a droopy eye which has made me even more insecure and has left me feeling even more like my partner is no longer attracted to me.

I feel like my weight loss and dropping eye has made me more insecure than I was when I was over weight.

I’ve tried new lingerie and even just focusing on him but nothing seems to get him going, maybe it’s too forced?

To top it off more health complications have lead to me being taken off contraception for 12 weeks and we are back to using condoms which he despises, it’s lead us to have even less of a sex life than we had before I went off contraception. It is basically non existent now .

So in short I’m feeling insecure and fed up with life and this year, i dont know what to do or where to go from here

You’re all so incredibly kind! I’ve organised for us to go out for dinner this weekend and I plan on opening communication after.

A lot of what you have all said makes a lot of sense and I’m hoping we can figure out where it is stemming from and move forward!

Thank you all SO SO much for all your kind words ❤️❤️