Creeped out


So, I was watching my boyfriend play red dead 2 last night and then saw that there are prostitutes in the game and I asked if having sex with them was an option like in sims there’s the “woohoo” option or whatever . That’s the only video game I know anything about lol and he was like I don’t know, but that’s an option in grand theft auto. My mind was blown. Like am I the only one who thinks that’s weird? And then I looked it up and soo many people were so upset that it didn’t have that option and were mocking the Me too movement and blaming that. Like what kind of pathetic ass person gets mad over not being able to virtually have sex with a prostitute in a video game??? This just angers me about media and our society. I’m just sensitive to this kinda stuff, idk. I know not everyone is as sensitive as me and I shouldn’t let gross people like that get to me, but I just find it creepy and so weird that these guys were like ranting about not being about to have the option to engage in fake prostitution. I just hate or society and gross creeps and just wish everyone was nice and our world wasn’t full of fucking weirdos and ya I just wanted to vent lol.