Its time for a change, but what more can i do?

Michelle • Mother to a beautiful baby girl, and a proud step mother to a loving little boy! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Well its been three years since my fiancé and i decided to ttc, and it has been 2.5 years since our miscarriage. We have timed intercourse. I have tried various vitamins and prenatals. I use opks and i used to bbt. I wasted my money on an ava bracelet and countless bottles of Preseed. I have been to an RE who did tons of bloodwork, ultrasounds, hsg, and semen analysis. We found out... we are in the normal range for everything and my tubes are clear. I have been on clomid the last 6 months with no success, and it is increasingly more difficult for me to go on with all the failure. Well my dr was listening to me and she has agreed to put me on Letrozole for 6 months. I could use a lot of encouragement and positive vibes. Desperation is setting in and my patience is wearing thin. If this does not work my only other option is <a href="">iui</a> or <a href="">ivf</a> which are quite expensive as my insurance only covers treatment, injectibles, and office visit coverage up to 50%. The actual procedures are not covered. I need my baby, and want my baby so much. My deepest desire is to hold the little one who grew in my womb for 9 months and is happy and healthy. Dear god, just allow me one!