Does it sound like this is autoimmune?

I just went to the doctor yesterday and will be seeing a rheumatologist as soon as they call to set up an appointment for me. I’ve been having joint pain in my knees and wrists on both sides but mainly on the right side. This pain isn’t something I feel everyday but it’s like I have episodes so sometimes I go through periods where I’m hurting and other times I’m fine with the occasional aches and pains. I deal with fatigue on an everyday basis though. And one of the main things I deal with is cold urticaria which means that when I drink/ eat something cold, stay outside in cold weather for too long, or have cold air blowing on me, my joints get super stiff, I break out into hives that are very itchy and hurt especially if I touch them, and the pain gets worse until I warm up. I’m currently having one of my “episodes” so I’ve been stiff especially in the mornings and have been getting stiff when I wake up and have been hurting when I walk and basically do anything and then when I rest for too long.