I spent Thanksgiving in a psychiatric hospital.


Well, where do I start? I guess I will start by saying I’m 26 and I live in the states, I have suffered from depression since I was little. I never thought that my depression was really bad until a week ago when I was taken by police to Richard Young. You may not know what Richard Young is but it is a psychiatric hospital and that is where I spent my Thanksgiving. Not with my kids, not with my man, not my mom, dad, grandma none of my family. I had a thanksgiving with complete strangers because I had a mental breakdown at the hospital. The first day there I spent in my room sleeping because I was too pissed if at the world to talk to anyone because I wasn’t supposed to be there. I was in complete denial that I needed help until I was physically shaking because my anxiety was sooo bad from me ignoring the fact I needed help. After finally getting to see the doctor I begged for something to get me to stop shaking, what I used before you ask? Well, I self medicated, weather it be smoking so much I’m high out of my mind all the time that I have no recollection of anything that is happening in my head or heart. Me being completely sober made me realize that I have been lying to myself and my family that I don’t need help, the fact is that I NEED help. There was no way I was going to be able to do it by myself. I have been diagnosed with severe depression, borderline severe personality disorder, moderate to severe anxiety, and severe abandonment issues. I’m now taking meds regularly to keep me calm. I never knew it was that bad, I was scared to ask for help because I didn’t want to be claimed as weak. But, we are not weak, we are strong women and strong women ask for help if they need it. My stubborn ass waited till I was in a manic state. Please ladies ask for help it is okay to have help.Peace and love to all.