Sometimes I hate my job


Okay, so don’t get me wrong, I love my job. I get to work with animals every day and it’s amazing, but the people I work with are the worst. For example, I was supposed to have today off. I was planning to run my errands, clean the house, maybe get some Christmas shopping in. And I was going to get dinner with my mom, which I normally can’t do because I work the evening shift.

Well, my coworker, who is leaving soon anyways, decided to call out today. I got called in because of it and had to cancel all of my plans for work. Now, I’m already a hormonal, emotional wreck because I’m 28 weeks pregnant. Now that I’ve had to drop everything to cover her shift, I can’t seem to stop crying. Not to mention I’ll be working with the new girl, who doesn’t have a key to lock up when she leaves, so when I normally would get to leave early, I will have to stay late to close. Nothing against her personally, I get along with her great. I’m just frustrated that because one girl was so inconsiderate of others, she has disrupted my entire day and everything I had planned to do on my day off.