In-law relationship advice!



So my boyfriend has had a pretty tense relationship with my dad since about the time of the trump election. I come from a very conservative, catholic family, and my boyfriend and I are pretty liberal. There had been tension in the past with my dad saying absurd things about Mexicans to my boyfriend(who is family is white) I have been on my boyfriends side of this tension since day one and have had numerous fights with my dad about our differences in political opinions.

My boyfriend has recently decided it is best for him to completely cut my family out of his life.

I am not sure how this is going to pan out considering he is the man I am looking to marry...

despite my family’s political opinions, I come from a fairly healthy and happy home. We support each other and encourage each other. My boyfriend feels he is not included/accepted in my family and has decided giving up is his best bet, instead of expending energy.

I am worried about what this could mean for our future... has anyone else dealt with a similar situation where your s/o hates your family?