My November baby turned into a December baby!


After 28 hours, including 20 minutes of pushing, my beautiful baby girl came into the world 4 days overdue. She was born at 7:41am, and she's 7lbs 3oz at 19.5in. About a half hour after she was born, she immediately latched and fed for 10 minutes on each side. She decided not to eat again until she was about 17 hours old because she was sleeping for most of her first day. Being born is hard work after all. I ended up getting an epidural after 22 hours because I needed to sleep. It was a hard decision because I really didn't want one, but I needed to do it so that I could have the strength to push. Surprisingly, and amazingly, I didn't tear.

I love staring at her face! She looks so much like her daddy that they have the same sleep face. There has been no feeling like the moment she was placed on top my belly. The little life that I grew inside for 9 months is finally able share her love and joy with the outside world. God has blessed me so much, and I feel so thankful that my pregnancy and delivery went so smoothly. Nothing in the world can make me feel worthy of the joy I'm feeling. God is so good!