Alone for Labor


I seriously never know where the heck to post anything, but apparently the controversy board was not the place 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🙄

But anyway, I’d kind of like feedback in regards to being alone while in the delivery room (with the exception of doctors, nurses and miscellaneous staff.)

A bit of backstory:

My first daughter, I had in 2010 and my husband was with me in the delivery room. It was a nice experience for the both of us and he was actually really sweet and helpful and whatnot.

Nearly 9 years later, I’ve been divorced for 7 of those and single for 6. This pregnancy was unplanned and with my fuck buddy via a totally “uh-oh” moment. While having another child was definitely something I’ve wanted, I just did not want it now, and I didn’t want it with someone I knew. I’ve been unsure for a very long time if I ever want another serious relationship - I’m kind of scarred from my failed marriage and a failed engagement after that - but I LOVE being a mother more than anything. I was seriously considering getting pregnant via a sperm donor within my “5 year plan.”

Well, the father of this child has never told me whether or not he wants any involvement, but I assume from his lack of communication with me or interest in how she’s doing, he’s probably not going to be there for her. I think that is unfortunate for him, because being a parent is one of the greatest experiences in my opinion, but I am not bothered by it obviously, except when it comes to my daughter asking about her father when she’s older; I’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

One of my close friends says she’d love to be in the delivery room with me, and my mom expresses the same interest. My mother’s been pressuring me to make my decision as to who is, in fact going to accompany me in the room and I just say my friends name, but as my due date nears, I’m second guessing that decision.

I think I’d like to do it on my own. I’ll likely be raising this little blessing on my own and I feel like bringing her into the world without a personal support system of any kind would help me feel empowered and confident in myself. Plus, I feel like being in that situation is very vulnerable and I just don’t feel 100% comfortable with anyone to be honest.

Of course, I’ll have professional assistance in my hospital room and that puts me at ease for medical reasons, but thinking about having someone in there with me makes me feel a little off. If the father changes his mind and wants to be there, then I would let him because .. well he’s the father - do I really need to explain? But maybe I should/could do this on my own?

What’s your opinion? Putting yourself into my perspective AND from your own perspective. Does anyone have any stories of being alone for it; whether by choice or unforeseen circumstances? Am I nuts?