What do you think ? 😭😓

So 2 days ago had a fever went to the hospital Tuesday . As I was having body aches I am 31 weeks pregnant and also I was having a watery discharge etc.. they performed a pelvic exam and the doctor at the hospital told me that she had seen a lesion that’s her words . She says it could be a list of things could be herpes could be anything etc . Could be a yeast infection could be other things . But then she wasn’t too worried about anything else as all my blood work came back normal and she just said my white blood cells were abnormal . So still waiting on my urine test results should come Friday . It’s uncomfortable to sit no burning no itching it’s just uncomfortable like just feels like u have left a q tip or ramping inside me exactly like that . I gently wipe too and as I wiped today I noticed a pus like small dot thing and squished it and like it popped like a pimple like puss . But not that oozing yellow pus just like if U we’re trying to remove a blackhead exactly like that . Also been suffering from a cough and my sore throat due to this cough . They diagnosed me at the hospital with flu like symtoms and bacterial vaginosis . Also it feels like bubbles are comming out of my cervix like literally . Could I maybe have pulled something that caused the inflammation white dot thing as I have been struggling to poop like seriously I am on the toilet pushing my brains out and like my face red pushing and maybe could’ve irritated my vagina ? Idk help me 😭