FTM and freaking out

I need some help. I’m a FTM and i’m freaking out. I get the whole motherly instincts but i have no idea what i’m doing.

My baby is almost 6 weeks old (was born 4 weeks early) and what the hell am I doing? No one has told me anything?

I’ve read that I should put her on a sleep schedule- only 3 naps a day. Other forums tell me to let her sleep when she needs.

I try and play with ber but then she gets fussy. And only wants to eat and sleep.. ive read to keep on so she doesnt fall behind on milestones. Others say to not worry about anything at this age and she will hit them when she wants.

Ive read since she is a month early i should “adjust her age” and other articles say screw that. Her Dr NEVER mentioned this.

I just feel AWFUL letting her sleep, poop and eat. I feel like a terrible mother and i should be doing more for her. I understand she is only 6 weeks old but what am i supposed to be doing??? I’m so very much in love with my daughter and just want the best for her