So hurt


I need to let this out because I cant with so emotionally and mentally tired of being abused.taken advantage of and feeling under appreciated. He dont help much around the house just wants to tell me how much of bitch I am and that I dont do anything right.i feel like his drinking has driven us apart and that it's got such a hold on him that he should just marry the damn bottle cuz I'm not what he wants.he dont even care to be with me intamate anymore,hed rather just use his hand then to be with hurts so bad.ive found the same 2 videos on my phone from at night from him just taking care of it himself.i dont think hes attracted to me anymore.all that matters is the bottle. Why cant I be good enough.?he wants me to have his baby but yet he Jack's off?I mean who does can you hit the one you say you love?am I that bad of person where I deserve to be hit.?to be taken advantage of?I think I'm a good woman,just would like help around the house and to feel loved to be grabbed like im wanted and needed and asked if im ok and if I need anything and what I want to do,what i want to watch,etc,like what have i done to where I'm goin through so sad on life because I let a man that isn't a man just control me and take my friends away to where they dont even talk to me anymore or even check on me cuz they hate him.i have no one cuz of him.he verbally abuses me in front my kids and disrespects me in front my kids and that's not right but he wants them to respect me when he doesnt.just dont make no so hurt on the inside.tired of the so overwhelmed with one should have to go through this but I am.i love him but I dont want to be with him amymore.i just rather be alone.its better.weve only slept together once in the last 2 1/2weeks and I like to be intimate but he tells me I'm not gonna show affection to some one that doesnt show it to me.that no one needs me.the only people that I feel need me are my kids.tells me I'm a bad mom sometimes.that I'm nothing but a piece of a shit and a bitch with attitude. How can I get out of this if no one will come take him somewhere where he can do this damage to someone else instead of me.does anyone have advice?