Friend drama, in need of advice.

I usually never post stuff on here, but this time, I really dont know what to do.

So, I have been best friends with this girl named Liz.

Her and I have known each other for 6 about 6 years now and we always have each other's backs when in need.

Recently, Liz started going out with this guy (let's name him Jacob). So her and Jacob started going out and it was fine, he and I got along and he wasnt too bad and he didn't seems like a bad person at all.

One day I was in class with liz, and as a joke she told me that she liked this other dude, but we just laughed it off because I knew she was just messing arround.

Later in the day, she starts feeling really bad that she made that joke about her liking someone else, so she being her, she tells her boyfriend Jacob about the joke and apologized about it, even tho he knew nothing of it until she told him.

Jacob was super pissed. He accused her of being dumb over text messages, started telling her she had short term memory loss, how she was inconsiderate and she lacked discipline and control, and how she was the one who fucked up.

Liz came to me and showed me all the things he said over text, about her being dumb, etc. She obviously felt really bad about it and guilty but I was furious at the way he had reacted.

As much as something might anger you, you dont say those type of things to yours friends, specially your partners.

I told her to stop feeling bad about it and to realize that he was being an asshole and so she did.

Things were left off like that until once again on another day, she told me she was trying to tell him about her feeling upset over something, but instead of listening to her he started saying something along the lines of,

"What the fuck are YOU sad about?? I have it worse than you".

And basically didnt listen to her.

And that's when her and I both had enough of him.

On that same day she showed me the text of him asking her what she was sad about, Liz, Jacob and I decided to walk to the trian station together.

The walk started out normal until Liz and I had a plan of messing arround with him for a little, just to get on his nerves and piss him off for being a jerk.

We started stepping in his heels while we walked, and he started getting really annoyed by it so we laughed and continued.

This went on for quite a bit, until we reached the station, and then we continued still, but it wasnt continuous like before.

We started walking up the stairs to change to the other train,

When he suddenly turned around,

Grabbed me by the collar of my shirt/jacket, and shoved me against the metal column of the station, and pinned me there for a couole of seconds.

I was so shocked that I didnt know how to react, I thought he was about to punch me in the face because he even made a small gesture with his fist, so I just stayed there quietly and looked at him straight in the eye.

Liz obviously started freaking out and asked him what the hell was he doing, so he let go and kept walking.

Liz and I stayed right behind him, and she asked me if I was okay.

I was really shaken up but I just shook it off.

Then while waiting for the train in the platform, he sort of tripped her and she fell really hard on the ground.

I expected him to ask her if she was okay, because she fell really hard, but instead he stood over her, and said

"you deserve that".

And just ignored us.

I waited for a second to see if he was going to her her up, but when I realized he wasnt going to do anything, I helped her instead.

Two days after this situation, she broke off her relationship with him, and things were left at that.

The day after she ended things, I started hearing strange stuff, from my own friends.

They had heard that Liz broke up with Jacob, but he was telling people that I was a manipulator, and that I manipulate everyone around me and I was also manipulating my boyfriend, and Liz (when my boyfriend found out Jacob pinned me against the column and made Liz fall, he got super angry and started shouting at him during one of the classes the next day, saying he was a disrespectful asshole and then forced Jacob to apologize to me and Liz in front of the people who had heard the whole thing), and he was a victim of my manipulation, and how the whole thing with him pinning me to the column was a lie that I made up, and how he was never a bad boyfriend.

At first we ignored it, and then told people the actual version of what happened.

But then two days passed and we found out he kept telling every single person he saw about the events that took place on the train station.

How I was a lying manipulator, and Liz still loved him, and how this time, I was lying because "I was telling people he pinned me in the ground" ???

I'm not sure where that version came from but ok.

Today, Liz told me she had started talking with Jacob again. And how they were on "good" terms now and that she knew he acted like an ass but that he had explained himself, etc.

I'm really dissapointed in her, and I dont even know what to tell her.

What should I do?

I dont want anything to do with Jacob and I dont want her to be dumb either and keep talking with him :/