Who's in the wrong?

So I was telling my mom about a funny story that happened with my best friend (basically it came up that all plus size women are loud (overheard a conversation in the store) and she told me I'm not loud and that I proved that point wrong). I thought it was funny and I have no problems being called plus size, because A. I am and B. She wasn't saying it to be rude or make fun of me. I've known her since middle school and she has never made fun of or made rude comments about my weight.

Well my drunk ass mom decided to get offended FOR me and tell me she would get offended if her best friend said that to her. I got annoyed and asked her why I bother telling her stories because she always gets offended. She got offended at me saying that and lectured me that what my friend said was "rude".

Now cue drunk ass dad, walking out and hearing us argue. He doesn't know the context at all. I summed it up for him and he got PISSED at me and told me I get offended too easy while his butt hurt alcoholic wife is doing her stupid pouty face because I told her it wasn't her place to get offended.

Then they go in their room and I hear my mom INCORRECTLY relaying the story to my dad and him saying "I'm so fucking sick of her."

I'm genuinely starting to hate both of these people. Who's in the wrong here? Did my mom have a right to get offended on behalf of me when she doesnt know the person it came from (she's been around her twice since middle school) and when she wasn't there? Did she have a right to bring my dad into it? Did he have a right to butt in?

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