My journey to a happy life both mentally and physically


"Motivate the mind; the body will follow"

****long post***

I’ve always been labeled as the “tiny, short, skinny girl” I HAD CHICKEN LEGS AND SPAGETTI ARMS. I never weighed over 98lbs. I always wanted that rock hard, nice, tight, fit body. I started working out. I immediately noticed a change in my body. It took the stress away, calmed my mind. I continued working out and I started getting more into healthy eating, but I still wasn’t as committed. I would follow my own workout schedule and watch what I ate every now and then.

When my husband needed to get ready for Marine corps boot camp I started really cracking down on the workouts and meal prepping for the both of us. Coming up on the months that he left for boot camp and while he was gone, I fell into a deep depression.

I don't know if any one of you have gone through a depression but it's like a hole in your heart that takes over everything.

I tried to continue working out but I was having a hard time eating and all the cardio I was doing caused me to drop my weight down to about 86lbs which is the smallest I’ve ever been in my adult life. I had completely turned to BONE!!! I stopped working out and trying to eat healthy. I could see what the depression was doing to me both physically and mentally. I felt horrible all of the time and I couldn't get out of my head.

It was time for a change. I started to read my bible more. I searched for motivational quotes, I would try to focus on the positive in every situation and I would tell myself positive things. I was on the track to a healthier mindset. My whole outlook on life started to change.

After my husband finished boot camp we moved to another state. I quit the two jobs I was working, packed up my whole life and left my family and friends behind.

Any military wives on here that know the list of things you have to do when the military says jump? I was beyond stressed out.

When we got to North Carolina I didn’t start looking for a job right away because I needed to get us settled into the new space. As time went on, we started to travel a lot so it didn’t make sense to get a job. Almost two years later and still no job. I’m blessed with a husband that is able to provide for us and he would tell me all the time that I don’t need to work, but I kept complaining about not having a job. I applied to dozens of job openings and I spent months and months going back and forth asking myself,” Should I get back in the medical field? Should I teach children again? Should I just take a part time job just to get out of the house?” I started to really think what was going to make me happy. (If you were one of those kids that always knew what you wanted to be when you grew up, lucky you.)

I had no idea what I wanted to do. All this time was passing and two things that never changed was 1) I enjoyed reading my bible and working on myself and using that to help others 2) my workouts. I had completed 4 challenges in the spam of 1 year and a half. I prayed and prayed for God to show me the path to what was going to drive me.

While here I am today ready to make a fresh start. It’s crazy not knowing what’s going to happen or if this is even going to work for me, but I know that I’m here for a reason and if I can help just one person realize that beauty comes from within then I’ve done more than most. So, I’m choosing to stay committed because I want to make this life count. I want to live it like I only get one and I couldn’t think of a better way to do that then to support, love, encourage, and motivate others.

I'm using my story to inspire others who struggle with filling that hole and getting healthy. I've found something that works for me and makes staying healthy and fit easier.

Photos left to right

5/24/2016 10/28/2016 3/14/2018 12/01/2018