Sheetrock Incident


I just need a place to let this off my shoulders. I'm 26 weeks as of today and about 3 days ago I had a pile of sheetrock fall onto me pinning me against a wall (we are in the process of building our house and have sheetrock laying around) my husband had to help me out from under it which took effort considering sheetrock isn't the lightest thing. I was having period like cramps since it happened and baby was literally moving nonstop so I called my ob/gyn after hours line first thing the next morning around 6 am (this happened around 10ish at night) and they told me to go in. So after a couple hours of trying to find a ride I got my father in law and brother in law to take me to the nearest er 2.5 hours away and was having my contractions monitored along with baby's heart rate. I had to have a swab test done I can't remember the exact name but it is pretty much like a pap smear and they test for a protein your uterus gives off if your amniotic sac is leaking . It came out negative thank God but now I am in the high risk department for premature labor and have to monitor my contractions to make sure they don't get worse and I have to monitor baby's movement every few hours to make sure they don't change . My contractions bother me so much it's making me so stressed and I just feel fragile, sensitive, and weak. Everytime I wake up my stomach is aching and if I flex in the slightest way it hurts enough to make me Yelp and I usually have a high pain tolerance. My baby girl is 100% healthy and her little kicks are stronger than ever , sometimes they even trigger the contractions a little bit, and my midwife is happy with how she is looking. I'll be leaving to Hawaii in 4 days and got the okay from my midwife to go as long as my symptoms don't worsen. So far they haven't although I did over do myself yesterday because my dog was being naughty. Has anyone had any struggles similar to my situation that they've been through ? How did you deal with it? Also, what have you done to help with mild contractions aside from taking tylonal and other prescription medications.